Friday, October 15, 2010

i need Speed

Encik : hmmm..lajunye ko.

Flash : biasa..(=

Encik : nah.

Flash : plissss...! ni paling slow.

Encik : nak laju2 g track la.

Flash : aiya..saya The Flash la.memang kene laju2.

Encik : nah jugak.len kali nek beskal.

Flash : fineeeee =.="


I need speed.i can travel anywhere..

  • meeting my girlfie
  • merry-go-round the world
  • rompak bank.haha


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dolls from HELL

by Shain Erin-Sculpture artist

Sem 3

what i have learned?
  1. Naval Architecture 1- A+...?
  2. Strength of Materials- good
  3. Ship Materials- boleylaa
  4. Computer Aided Ship Drawing- damn terbaik
  5. Professional Communication 2- lost(lecture)?

cepat ler habis sem ni.huehue =.=' da berhab0ok. =_="

Peace bloggerias.

Lame sudah blog x dilawati,
Habuk bergantung sane sini,
Kalau ade y kecil hati,
Harap disimpan didalam peti.

Act lamee tinggalkan blogging neyh sebab byk sgt bende y best nk settle beside it. Wakaka...haha yela2 nnti ak rjin2 kan diri post bende2 y sronok utk korang lihat,bace dan ingat.selamat beramaal (=

My feveret thiingy-to-do in past 5 months!! :

  • >Jadi gamer

  • >Muvie-otaku

  • >Study ler

  • >Cari shade meriah babeng

Thursday, May 20, 2010

G.I.G. (Gerak Isu Gitar) PART 1

Salam sejahtera my Lads,

Ini ruang gua berkongsi pengalaman dan ilmu dalam dunia muzik
khusus as guitarist. Gua mula diajar secara x formal start form kire gua
punya pengalaman cincai2 8 taon. Gua ingat lagi rhythm pertama y br0
gua ajar, bass Bersama Semula by ACAB. Mase tu br0 gua y semangat beli
gitar sume. Gua mintak la ajar sikit2..pastu kami same2 blajar chord. die
ade beli buku ape ntah. ol skool gile buku tu..haha tapi sempurna la for

Biasela start2 blaja gune gitar kapok je.nk beli y electric xde ongkos.
hahaaha..macam ni lah. Gua blajar lagu dari buku2 chord gitar y biase jual
kat kedai. then br0 gua ade tunjuk gua satu kertas. pebendi ni ade nombor2
atas garisan?? itulah TABS. gua ckp "oh..." pastu gua tnye, "pbende tabs ni?".
haha then barulah die ajar bace bende alah tu.

Starting dari saat tu aku rajin la mendownload tabs2 kat tenet. sampai
lagu Freebird y kene sliding pown gua main blajar je. Habis punah jariku.
Gua blajar gitar x konsisten.. akibat kekangan tinggal kat asrama. s0 bile
blik rumah nk main balik lagu y da blaja,da lupe. Rase rugi plak main x
konsisten,kalau x da lame aku jadi Malmsteen.kuang3. Modal gitar karen
dah ade. sogua rajin2 kan diri mnjelajah tenet cari gitar karen.semangat
nih! finally guajumpe jodohku kat Chamber Music. ni ha gitar karen 1st gua:
Act, mase dpt gitar karen nih gua glbah giler. semua lagu nak try.
huh.hasilnya...semua lagu x jadi.s0 mase tu pun kpale ak da dipenuhi bahan2
metal. s0 gua start cari riff y simple2. biaseny gua blajar x full,ad certain2
party kantol.hahaha.jgn ingat solo y mengilla gua taley wat, ader...tapi da
lupe n mlas blajar balik. then aku stat la blaja teknik2 je sperti Harmonics,
Skidding, Hammer, Bending, Vibrato n etc.mase skrg ni mlas la nk blajar
lagu2.byase main riff sndiri je brbekalkan teknik2 y gua blajar. gua benci la
org dtg kat gua mse gua tgah main gitar n ckpp " lu tau x main lagu %$#?"
main la sndiri br0.bkn sume lagu gua nk blajar.

Recently, gua skrg blaja kat unikl mimet. n ade gitar epic y x trnilai.
Schecter Demon FR. pic n Review ade kat post aku sbelum nih. ak x kenal
brand ni sblum A7X mmbuatkan mreka trkenal. b4 i buy this beast, gua da
buat research y agak mndalm. n byk teknik2 baru sperti Dive Bomb gua dpt
wat. hellyeeaahhhhh!!! c u next time Lads!

Dreadlock Myths

All dreadlocks are dirty.

Dreadlocks are only dirty if you don't take care of them and wash

them. Not washing dreadlocks is the best way to ruin dreadlocks.

You should wash your dreadlocks at least once a week.

You can't wash dreadlocks.

Not washing dreadlocks is the best way to ruin dreadlocks. You should

wash your dreadlocks at least once a week.

Anyone with dreadlocks is dirty.

Not true!! Dreadlocks need to be washed at least once a week.

Not combing your hair is the only way/best way to make dreadlocks.

This is called the Neglect method, this is how cavemen made dreadlocks,by just not

doinganything to their hair. Thank the Lord we have found newways to make them

becausethis method take at least a year and the hairdoesn't even look like dreads during

the time,and many people who havemade dreads this way have ended up with such

severe dandruff cases theyhad to cut their dreadlocks off and start over, usually with

the backcombing method.

Wax is not a natural dreadlocking product.

Wax is probably the most natural product you can use on dreadlocks. It comes from

bees that are from nature.

Nice dreadlocks are high maintenance.

Most dreadlocks are not high maintenance. The only kinds of dreadlocks that are high

maintenance are dreadlocks made from dread perms. Dreadlocks made with

backcombing, twist and rip, twist and pin, neglect, and brush rubbing methods are

not high maintenance.

Backcombing is not natural.

Backcombing is just about the most natural way to make dreadlocks. Anyone who tells

you this doesn't know much about dreadlocks.


The neglect method is the only way to make natural dreadlocks.

Not true at all. There are many other methods that are natural, such as Backcombing,

Twist and Rip, Twist and Pin, Twisting, Dread Braiding, and Brush Rubbing.

Rubberbands break the hair.

False. Rubberbands hold the hair together while the dreadlocks are forming to keep

the dreadlocks from falling out. So many people and so many sites wouldn't recommend

them if they didn't do such a great job.

Dreadlocks damage your scalp.

Dreadlocks do not damage your scalp. In fact your scalp never even knows you

have dreadlocks, because the hair starts to dread about an inch away from the scalp.

You have to shave your head when you don't want dreadlocks anymore.

False statement. You don't even have to cut your hair when you want to take dreadlocks

out. Here are the ways to take dreadlocks out:

1. You can cut or shave your head if you don't care about your hair, this is the fastest

way to remove the dreadlocks.

2. Cut the deadlocks until they are about 3 inches long and then soak the rest of the

dreadlocks in VO5 conditioner and comb them out. This will leave you with about 4 or 5

inches of hair.

Schecter Demon FR Review

Price paid: MYR 1500

The 24-fret, dark sounding mahogany body, smooth maple/rosewood neck and fingerboard, and the part that amazed me the most- Duncan Designed active Humbuckers in a H-H set-up. I would choose the satin black colour anyday, but when dust gets on it- then we've got a problem, because even a blind person would see it. The tuners are also Schecter's, but they've never dissapointed me, not even a bit. I own a Floyd Rose version. It holds tune very, very well, maybe that's because Demons are built with a Licensed Floyd Rose as their FR bridges. // 9

Sound: I play mostly metal. This guitar is able to make sounds matching these types of music perfectly. Don't judge the book by it's cover- although 'evil' and 'metal' looking, this guitar is very versatile! The mahogany body and pick-ups, make the sound a little bit darker, but it makes it even better. Incredible sustain, and when it's coupling it's not going to high-pitches like most of the guitars do, it just smoothly makes a great sound. // 10

Action, Fit & Finish: My guitar was a straight out-of-the-box model. They set it up pretty well at the factory, the action was perfect, the bridge was perfectly set, no flaws at all. The only badly done thing, were the pick-ups. The bridge humbucker was way too low, and had to adjust it just a little bit, but it's not a problem at all, just a matter of minutes. // 9